Quantum Computers fundamentally differ from ordinary computers. In normal computers the information in a classical bit is stored as 0 or 1 whereas a quantum bit more precisely a qubit can store 0 or 1 at the same time. Qubits are composed of subatomic particles so they work in coherence with the subatomic logic. Qubits can be 0,1 or a linear combination of 0 and 1.
Quantum computers can perform certain tasks exponentially faster than the classical computers which is what makes them more intriguing.
Efficient Database Searching
Database searching is one such field. In a classical computer to find anything in a database may require testing of every single one of its entries. On the other hand, quantum algorithms are capable of performing the same task in square root of that time.
Enhanced Security Systems with quantum computers
Google's demonstration of Quantum Supremacy
Emerging Roadblocks to Quantum Computing
Irrespective of having these many pioneering features there are many
challenges which can be a roadblock in building these quantum machines.
The problem is the more qubits a quantum computer has the more heat system
generates. There is high possibility of loosing information when qubits
interact with the environment . The colder and more isolated the qubit is
the less likely it is to flip to the other state. To avoid calculation
errors the quantum computers need to be kept as near as possible to the
absolute zero temperature i.e., 0 kelvin. To tackle this situation they
are kept in
dilution refrigerators.
This will be incredibly expensive to keep million of qubits in scaled
dilution refrigerators.
Thanks a lot :)